Kaga-yuzen artists are artists accredited by the Kaga Dyeing Promotion Association and whose personal seals are registered with the association. In order to become a Kaga-yuzen artist, candidates are required to undergo on-the-job training for five years or more to acquire appropriate techniques under an instructor with a studio, and to be qualified through recommendation by two members of the association (the instructor and one more). Kaga-yuzen kimonos produced by Kaga-yuzen artists are marked with artists’ personal seals. The seal system is a testament to the quality of the traditional craft of Kaga-yuzen, and also an expression of the artist's pride.

新納 知英

1984年 初代由水十久氏に入門
1991年 由水煌人氏より独立
2001年 第一回花鳥風月展 最多賞受賞
2002年 第二回花鳥風月展 最多賞受賞
2010年 一般向けの友禅教室‘’色々塾‘’を主宰し現在に至る
